The Game and Fish Department says the Canada goose season closes
Dec. 23, with the exception of the Missouri River area, which
closes Dec. 31. High Plains duck hunting continues through Jan.
Canada Goose
Expedition Parka Black Jackets
Archery deer, partridge and sharp-tailed collar, partridge,
pheasant hunting seasons and three of the squirrel too close after
January 2, and fall wild turkey season closes Jan. 9.
Canada Goose
chilliwack parka 7950M Black
There are still plenty of time for hunters and trappers go after
other game. Bobcat, mink and weasel hunting and trapping, and
trapping muskrats are open through March 13. The hunting season for
muskrat closes May 8. Fox, coyote, badger, raccoon, and beaver
hunting and trapping are open all year in North Dakota.
Canada Goose
Men's Snow Mantra Parka 9501M Red